Saturday, June 3, 2023

LASIK Vision Improvement: The Benefits of LASIK in Long Beach Part 1

Delivering the benefits of clear vision with a personalized experience is our mission at Lucent Vision. Whether your visual impairment includes near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism, we will perform a refraction during your consultation to determine the state of your visual perception. Once we understand your eye health and your visual demands, we will develop a laser treatment plan that is tailored to your eyes and your lifestyle.

Improved Vision From LASIK in Long Beach

Does LASIK improve visual acuity?

Visual acuity is an objective measurement of how well the human eye can focus light rays correctly to the back of the eye. Your surgeon can obtain this information by seeing how well you are able to read letters at a particular distance. You have a very high chance of improving your visual acuity with LASIK laser vision correction.

How does LASIK change depth perception?

Depth perception is your ability to create a three dimensional view of the world. Your brain is able to create this three dimensional model by using all of the visual data that it receives from your eyes. Patients who have refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism may have difficulty with depth perception even if they are wearing their glasses or contacts.

Studies have shown that eliminating refractive errors and improving the eyesight in each eye can lead to better depth perception after laser eye surgery. If each eye is able to deliver a clear image to the brain, then the brain is better able to superimpose these images to create one focused image with three dimensionality.

Will LASIK help me see colors better?

Color vision is handled by an area of your retina that is called the macula. This region of the retina transmits information through the optic nerve to the vision center in your brain. Color blindness is an uncommon deficiency in perceiving colors that is usually genetic in origin. Unfortunately, Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, or LASIK, is not an effective treatment for color blindness.

Is binocular vision improved after LASIK?

Many patients who use corrective lenses can develop eye strain when performing near tasks such as work on a smartphone or a computer. This type of eye strain is related to the way the vision system has to coordinate the muscles around your eyes, the size of the pupil, and your neck positioning so that the the images from the two eyes can be aligned properly. LASIK can improve binocular vision and reduce this eye strain.

Does LASIK improve range of vision?

Depending on your eyeglass prescription, LASIK can indeed improve your range of vision. For patients suffering from nearsightedness, LASIK can give you the benefits of improved far vision. Conversely, for patients who are far-sighted, LASIK can give you the ability to see things at a near distance as well.

High Success Rate for LASIK in Long Beach

What is the success rate of LASIK surgery in general?

In the United States, LASIK is probably the most consistently successful medical procedure in the medical field, let alone in ophthalmology. In a recent review in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery () that included about 68,000 eyes confirmed the excellent success rates we see with laser surgery. Over 99.5% of patients had a final distance visual acuity of 20/40 or better; as a reference, a visual acuity of 20/40 would allow you to pass the DMV’s vision test. In our own experience at Lucent Vision, over 95% of patients achieve outcomes in the 20/20 or better range. Adding to this success rate is the fact that LASIK has a low risk for complications.

How well does LASIK perform in terms of patient satisfaction?

In the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery article referenced above, approximately 96% of patients reported satisfaction with their visual outcomes after LASIK. In our own experience, the most common thing our patients will say after having their procedure is: “I wish I had done it sooner!”

How does a customized treatment lead to better eye results?

Much like a fingerprint, each human eye is unique. With our modern technology we are able to create accurate maps of your cornea, called corneal topography. We can also precisely trace the trajectory of light rays through your visual system which takes into account your pupil size and any other minor anatomical abnormalities in your visual system. A customized laser treatment profile is then used to precisely treat your corneal tissue. Precision and customization allow us to deliver better visual outcomes with LASIK than ever before.

Is there a correlation between using a skilled Long Beach LASIK surgeons and an increase in the success rate?

At Lucent Vision we have already delivered the benefits of clear unaided vision to thousands of patients over the last decade. Dr. Pathak is one of the very few Long Beach LASIK surgeons who has completed an extra year of training in corneal vision correction procedures. We rely on our vast experience and extra training to deliver an even higher success rate than a typical LASIK surgeon. In addition, each surgical plan and experience at Lucent Vision is customized; this extra attention to detail cannot be found at the LASIK corporate chains.

What kind of effect does the utilization of proven technology have on the effectiveness of LASIK procedures?

Better technology directly impacts the reliability of your outcome, the risk of complications, and your personal experience. Before your procedure a thorough evaluation of your eye’s health is critical to confirm that you meet the safety criteria for LASIK. We employ proven technology for screening candidates that includes corneal topography, wavefront scans, corneal tomography, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). The Alcon Wavelight laser that is used to precisely shape your cornea has a proven track record of excellent outcomes along with being the fasted LASIK laser of its kind. All of these improvements in technology allow for a LASIK procedure without pain, faster healing times, and a lower risk of complications.

Are the success rates of LASIK getting better as a result of ongoing advancements?

Ongoing advancements include the ability to use wavefront technology to detect unique aberrations (imperfections) in your cornea that can be precisely treated with our Alcon Wavelight laser. This wavefront technology has allowed us to more consistently hit 20/20 or better visual outcomes. In addition, the technology has reduced the occurrence of halos and glare in night time conditions which was seen in earlier laser systems. This laser system also has an eye-tracking feature so that any small movements of your eye during the laser treatment can be detected and accommodated.

Long-Lasting Results for LASIK Patient in Long Beach

What duration of results can you anticipate after LASIK eye surgery?

In a recent study found in the Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery, about 95% of patients did not require the use of distance glasses after five years had passed from their procedure date. The changes made to your cornea during laser vision surgery are permanent and the results will last you for many years.

After LASIK, what kind of stability of prescription should you anticipate?

The effect of reshaping your cornea with LASIK is permanent. Nonetheless, it is possible that your eyes may change as you age. Most people over the age of 40 begin to suffer from presbyopia, which is a difficulty with seeing near objects. Presbyopia is caused by a progressive loss of elasticity in the natural lens inside of your eye. Laser eye surgery will not prevent presbyopia, nor will it worsen presbyopia. Patients in this age group may need to start wearing reading glasses to see things at a near distance. Nonetheless, we now have an eye drop called Vuity that can help with this problem. We also have surgical methods of correcting this presbyopia, even if you had LASIK in the past.

Can you expect minimal regression after LASIK?

Much like any other part of your body, your eyes can change over time. The underlying refractive errors (i.e. myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia) that you had prior to your LASIK procedure can progress over time and can make your vision less than crisp. Generally speaking, the possible need for an “enhancement” procedure to sharpen the vision increases about 1% per year after the procedure. The good news is that laser eye surgery can be repeated as long as your surgeon determines that you are a good candidate for an enhancement procedure.

Better Night Vision

After LASIK, do patients have improved night vision?

Many patients with refractive errors such as near-sightedness, far-sightedness, and astigmatism struggle with vision symptoms that are more prominent in dimly lit environments. These symptoms may include halos around lights and glare which result from microscopic imperfections in your cornea called aberrations. With the Alcon Wavelight laser that we use for LASIK we are able to treat these aberrations and improve or eliminate these bothersome signs and symptoms.

After having LASIK, can I anticipate reduced glare at night?

After LASIK you may have an initial increase in glare at night. Nonetheless, these symptoms will rapidly improve over the course of the first few weeks after your laser eye surgery. Our Alcon Wavelight laser treats imperfections or aberrations in your cornea to reduce your perception of glare in night time conditions. Nonetheless, glare at night can be caused by other conditions as well, such as dry eye syndrome. Your eye doctor will evaluate your eyes prior to LASIK to see if there is any underlying and treatable reason for your symptoms of glare.

After LASIK eye surgery, will there be reduced halos when I drive at night?

Many patients who seek LASIK suffer from halos in night time conditions. Often these halos are related to higher order aberrations which cannot be corrected by glasses, contact lenses, or medications. The good news is that modern LASIK uses wavefront technology to evaluate and treat these higher order aberrations.

Is LASIK beneficial in terms of enhanced contrast sensitivity?

Contrast sensitivity is the eye’s ability to visually distinguish between finer and finer increments of light versus dark. There are many age-related eye conditions that can degrade contrast sensitivity including cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. Problems with contrast sensitivity can be more noticeable in dimly lit conditions, for instance driving at night. Although LASIK may initially degrade your contrast sensitivity in the first few weeks after your procedure, this is only temporary. With newer treatments that employ wavescan technology your contrast sensitivity in the long run after LASIK will typically be either unchanged or better.

Does LASIK result in safer nighttime driving?

Laser eye surgery may indeed result in safer nighttime driving because you will likely have a better ability to clearly see street signs, pedestrians, and other cars. Many patients who wear glasses or contact lenses complain of halos and glare with nighttime driving. LASIK can be a permanent fix for these signs and symptoms which can make driving in dimly lit conditions more difficult.

Experience the Benefits of Improved Vision with LASIK in Long Beach at Lucent Vision


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